Field Guide and Journal - Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

FREE BOOK on how to find and collect stories for your nonprofit organization
Download the book for free, or pick up a paperback for just the cost of shipping!

You can raise a lot more money if you tell the right stories.

The organizations that raise the most money know how to find and collect the right stories.

If you want to raise the most money, tell the right story to the right donor at the right time.  

  • The right story inspires a donor to make a gift
  • The right story proves to a donor her gift makes a difference
  • The right story makes a donor feel good

Telling the right story is the best way to engage your donors.  And the free book below helps you find stories that are the most meaningful to your donors.

Finding and collecting the right stories has never been easier

One of the most common questions fundraisers ask is, “How do I find stories to tell my donors?”

This book is the secret to finding, collecting and TELLING better stories.  You can have it for free…

This little book (don't let its size fool you) is a powerful tool.  Thousands of fundraisers, people just like you, have been using it to find and collect meaningful stories that engage their donors.

This book is so helpful and so powerful, a lot of fundraisers share it with their staff and volunteers, so they can also collect stories.  These fundraisers build a story library, so there is always a fresh story to share with a donor.

Because each donor is different, you’ll raise more money if you have a library of stories.  When you have fresh stories at your fingertips, you'll be able to keep the donors you have and recruit new ones.

Get this free book and start collecting meaningful stories your donors will love

Here's what you'll learn in this powerful little book:

  • Three different types of stories to tell your donors
  • How to pick a story to motivate your donor to give
  • Tips on how to gather stories from your staff and volunteers (you'll love this section).

The second half of the book is a journal and instructions to help you collect stories.  There's even a section on crafting calls to action (which are proven to help you transition from telling a donor a story to asking her for a gift)

Want this book for free?

For a limited time, we’re giving away this book to everyone who wants to raise more money by telling better stories.

You can download a free version of the book, or we’ll send you a free paperback of the book. For the paper version, we ask that you to help with the shipping and handling.

If you’d like help discovering and collecting your organization’s powerful stories, then click which version of the book you’d like.