Do you want to be a special guest on
Tactical Thursdays?
What is Tactical Thursdays, anyway?
Tactical Thursdays is a 60-minute webinar for members of the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Community. We ask speakers to open up their fundraising bag of tricks and teach for 10 minutes about a tactic that helps fundraisers tell better stories and raise more money.
After the 10-minute training, we open the floor up for Q&A.
The form below will help introduce you to the TT format and can serve as a guide for you as you pull together your 10 minute training.
Previous episodes of Tactical Thursdays are here. Feel free to watch as many as you'd like, to get a sense of the flow and form.
YOU are the expert, but we're here to help. If you’d like to talk through your 10-minute training or want to brainstorm or need help squeezing your fabulous content in to this snug format, let us know in the 'What else should we know' section of the form below.
Thanks for being willing to share what you know with the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference Community!