How to craft your event around a story.

How to craft your event around a story.

When you put on an event to raise money, where do you start?

As fundraisers, we can get wrapped up in the "non fundraising" details.  When that happens, we miss the real money making part of our event.  And therefore, we raise less money than we could have.

In the video below, Kristin Steele is going to walk you through where to start, and how to use that starting place as a way to raise more money at your next event.

Watch the video below.

If you'd like to meet Kristin, and learn how to use storytelling to
raise more money at your next event, then come to
this year's Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.
Click here for more information.

If you'd like to learn more about how to use stories to raise lots more money, then come to this year's conference.  Click the button below:

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Gala Theme Goldmine

Your ultimate guide to over 2,400 vibrant, story-rich themes! This FREE treasure-trove of themes will make your fundraising events and galas unforgettable. Click here