2024 Sessions - Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

Nonprofit Storytelling Conference
Nov. 11-13, 2024


This year's conference is truly special.

You'll enjoy a more personalized experience than ever before. Forge deep, meaningful connections with both speakers and fellow attendees in ways you've never imagined.

To help you increase your donations, improve your donor communications, and make your mission unforgettable, we're offering three unique types of sessions that provide personalized attention:

  1. Main Stage Sessions
  2. Deep Dive Intensives
  3. Implementation Workshops

Here are the finalized sessions. A full schedule with days and times will be available later this summer.

Main Stage Sessions

The Main Stage sessions are packed with ideas that will make you say, "Wow! I've never thought of that before."  These aren’t your typical sessions.  We’re talking about sessions filled with groundbreaking strategies and mind-bending concepts that will revolutionize your fundraising and donor communications.

Get ready for the kind of "aha" moments that will change everything.

You won’t want to miss these sessions – they’re designed to transform the way you connect with donors and elevate your fundraising.  

Here are this year's main stage speakers and sessions:



Chris Davenport

Unlocking the Ancient Power of Storytelling: Engaging Donor Emotions to Inspire Action

Unlock the ancient power of storytelling in this must-attend session! 

Dive deep as we decode petroglyphs, harness emotion, and transport audiences across time. Discover powerful techniques to craft impactful, donor-winning narratives.

This foundational session is the cornerstone for everything you'll learn at the conference.

Gain insights that will revolutionize your approach to storytelling and engage hearts and minds.

Don't miss out—transform your stories and move people to action.

Jim Shapiro

Finding your next 10 major donors

Every fundraiser wants more major donors.  Because more major donors = more major gifts.

The truth is, you’ve got donors on your list just waiting to be asked for a major gift.

In this session, Jim Shapiro will show you how to identify ten of those soon-to-be major donors (hint: the story their giving tells you is the biggest clue).

And then he’ll help you figure out exactly what to say to those donors to get their major gift (hint: there’s a storytelling formula to help here!).

So skip the expensive and time consuming prospecting … and let Jim Shapiro be your guide to finding your next 10 major donors.

Cherian Koshy

The Science of Succinct Storytelling: Captivate and Activate Your Online Donors in Just Seconds

Donors have less time for you. 

Their attention spans are shorter than ever.

But this is good news for you! 

In this session, Cherian Koshy will show you how to grab donors’ attention, create genuine emotional bonds, and motivate them to take action -- skills many nonprofits lack.

His framework for engaging donors online is rooted in science, speed and (of course) storytelling.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll capture your donors’ interest and stand out online.

Kristin Steele +
Samantha Swaim

8 Minutes of Storytelling Magic At Your Event

It only takes 8 minutes to make or break your event.

8 minutes can be the difference between raising a lot of money … and losing the attention of your audience.

In this session, event experts Kristin Steele and Samantha Swaim will show you how to put together an 8-minute segment of your event that will excite your donors and inspire them to give more.

You’ll see how -- in just 8 minutes -- you can leverage a “show + tell” storytelling model to create emotional connection, celebrate shared values and capture your donor’s generosity. 

Your event is an opportunity to meet new donors and re-engage returning supporters.  So don’t bore your audience with a parade of talking heads and long-winded speeches. 

Instead … 

Engage your guests with a powerful, story-based model that’s proven to keep your audience’s attention and raise more money.

Frank Velásquez, Jr.

Transformational Language -> Transformative Gifts -> Transformed Communities

Some of your biggest funders want to make a significant impact in your community.

Transformative gifts are key to making this impact now and in the long term.

In this session, Frank Velásquez, Jr. will help you craft a story that builds a strong alliance between your organization and these funders. This will give your organization the resources it needs to help your community thrive.

You’ll learn how to use transformational language to inspire funders by highlighting your community’s strengths and aspirations.

You'll discover how small changes in your storytelling can counteract biases in fundraising.

Most importantly, you'll get a framework to show donors how they can be part of a transformation greater than they imagined.

Every community has a story and donors. You’ll leave this session knowing how to bring donors into their community's story, ensuring everyone prospers.

Steven Screen

From Draft to Donation: Mastering the Art of the Written Fundraising Story

Unlock the secrets to turning raw stories into written fundraising powerhouses.

In this session, Steven Screen will teach you simple techniques to transform rough stories into captivating narratives that donors will love.

Learn how to hook your audience, build emotional connections, and inspire big donations.

Written stories can scale to attract a larger audience and be used for fundraising appeals, donor reports, events, and more. This session will help you make donors feel special and eager to give.

Don't miss these powerful insights that will change your storytelling approach and boost your fundraising. Get ready to see your donations soar!

Marc A. Pitman

Leadership Narratives: Crafting Stories that Inspire and Motivate

Knowing your leadership style is the key to better storytelling. 

When you understand how you lead, you can craft stronger stories that resonate with your donors (even your team members). 

In this session, Marc A. Pitman will help you pinpoint your personal leadership style.  And he'll show you how to leverage that style to create narratives that captivate and motivate donors in powerful ways.

Through a dynamic exercise, you'll identify your storytelling strengths and adapt stories for diverse donor audiences.  

Your typical conference session, this ain’t.  It’s a hands-on experience that will transform your approach to donor communication.

You’ll leave this session energized and equipped with new tools to elevate your campaigns and do more good in the world.

John Lepp

Stand Out in a Sea of Boring Fundraising: Creativity That Captivates Donors

Donors are craving something fresh and exciting.

And if your fundraising is a bit ... well, not fresh and exciting … you’re leaving money on the table.

In this session, John Lepp will ignite your creativity and help you transform your fundraising into something donors find fresh, exciting and irresistible.

You'll discover how to tap into your natural creative instincts, express your authentic voice in every appeal, and craft stories that are unforgettable.

Because fundraising doesn’t happen ‘in theory,’ John will share real-world examples of creative donor communications.  The kind that turned heads and made donors give generously.

You'll walk away knowing how to stand out in a sea of boring fundraising.  You'll love knowing that your next appeal will grab attention and get more people to give.

Get ready to color outside the lines and watch your fundraising soar!

Jeff Brooks

Legacy Fundraising: Multiply Your Revenue with Life-Affirming Stories

You could be raising two to four TIMES more revenue from the donors you have now -- by telling them the right stories that connect with their values and passions.

In this session, Jeff Brooks will show you:

  • The astounding data on just how much revenue you could be getting from legacy gifts
  • How to master the art of telling the right stories that inspire legacy giving
  • How to find the donors most likely to include you in their will
  • How to inspire donors to think big and leave a lasting legacy through your organization

You’ll learn storytelling techniques that will help you connect with your donors on a meaningful level.

Don't miss this chance to inspire donors to give the most meaningful donation of their life -- and probably by far their largest.

Kristin Sukraw

Mastering Your Inner Story

Have you ever felt a strong connection to your nonprofit's mission, but also faced days that just felt tough?

Imagine having more days full of passion and drive, where your love for the mission pushes you forward and makes the tough days easier.

What if the secret to this was in the stories you tell yourself?

Join Kristin Sukraw, an author, storyteller, and mental health counselor, as she shares powerful insights from her background in psychoanalytic therapy and mindfulness. She'll show you how the stories we tell ourselves can really shape our feelings and actions.

Kristin will help you:

  • Reconnect with your personal story
  • Link your story to your nonprofit's mission
  • Think about the stories you tell yourself to find truth and satisfaction in your work

You'll leave this session with a fresh sense of purpose and more enthusiasm for your work.  And you’ll discover how your personal story and your nonprofit's mission come together.

Mary R. Snyder

Face-to-Face Storytelling: Crafting Stories That Command Attention and Inspire Action

Imagine leaving every face-to-face donor meeting knowing your donor will make their best, most meaningful gift.

That's the power of face-to-face storytelling done right.

In this dynamic session, Mary Snyder will help you transform your storytelling skills from meh to marvelous -- so you can capitalize on every meeting you have.

You'll walk away with three storytelling tools that will instantly improve every story you tell -- making them more interesting, more engaging and more inspiring.

You’ll see how to craft stories that grab attention and won't let go.  And your fundraising will never be the same.

Tammy Zonker

To Be Announced

Mystery Main Stage Speaker #1

To Be Announced

Mystery Main Stage Speaker #2

To Be Announced

Deep Dive Intensives

This year, we're thrilled to introduce a brand new kind of session -- 2.5 hour deep dives we're calling 'Deep Dive Intensives.'

Based on the proven strategies developed by Chris Davenport and Steven Screen at the Famous Fundraising Farmhouse in Poulsbo, WA, these intensive workshops are designed to revolutionize your approach to fundraising.

These aren't your average sessions. These sessions are designed to give you a process and framework for building out your:

  • Major Gift Fundraising
  • Direct Mail Fundraising
  • Event Fundraising 
  • Creative Fundraising Campaigns  

These intensives are crucial for anyone interested in growing their fundraising.  After you attend one (or all) of these intensives, you'll have so much more than 'just a plan' for raising more money.



Samantha Swaim +
Kristin Steele

Story + Experience = Mission Centered Fundraising Events

Too many nonprofits settle for mediocre events that barely break even.  Or at best, raise about what they raised last year. 

In this intensive, Samantha Swaim and Kristin Steele will help you create an unforgettable story-based journey for your next event -- one that will have more donors reaching for their wallets.

In this hands-on, collaborative and transformational intensive, you'll:

  • Master the art of emotional event storytelling that turns casual attendees into passionate advocates
  • Discover the secrets of how to tap into generosity and launch donors on a lifelong journey with your organization
  • Learn a 5-chapter event arc that fosters empathy and inspires donors to give generously.
  • Explore innovative ways to weave story-based experiences that will leave your audience spellbound

During the intensive, Kristin and Sam will help you customize the 5-chapter event arc for your organization.  And they’ll help you create a run of show that is easy for your staff to execute and keeps your donors engaged.

You’ll leave this intensive armed with the power to captivate any audience and inspire them to give (and bring their friends next year).

Your next event can be so powerful and moving, it’ll be talked about for years.  Come to this intensive to see how.

Steven Screen

Raising Money at a Moment's Notice

Don't let another funding emergency catch you off guard.

In this hands-on intensive, Steven Screen will help you craft a powerful fundraising tool-kit you can deploy anytime you need donations.  And need them fast.

It’s like one of those ‘break in case of emergency’ fire-extinguishers… except for your fundraising.

During this hands-on, transformative session, you'll:

  • Craft a compelling appeal letter that tugs at heartstrings and opens wallets
  • Design an irresistible email campaign that gets donors giving right away
  • Create thank-you notes so powerful, they inspire donors to give you another gift right then and there 😱

Say goodbye to stress and uncertainty.  And say hello to having the tools in your tool-kit to quickly (and powerfully) meet any funding shortage or urgent need in your community.

You’ll leave this intensive with a financial lifeline.

And you'll love the feeling when you say to your boss, "We need to raise how much?  By Friday?  Yeah, I can do that." 

John Lepp + Rachel Zant

Creative Storytelling: Crafting Engaging and Motivating Fundraising Campaigns


Tammy Zonker

Major Donors: Storytelling Strategies for Getting Transformational Gifts


Implementation Workshops

Get hands-on help from a fundraising expert.

These Implementation Workshops are 60-minute sessions with small groups (space is limited and workshops will be capped at 75 people).  

In each workshop, you'll learn a new storytelling and fundraising skill.  Then you'll get personalized help applying your new skill to your organization.

For a lot of us, learning a new skill comes with a lot of questions.  And so each session will include plenty of time for Q&A, where the speaker will give you personalized help and advice.




Haven't bought your ticket yet?

Click the blue button below and get your ticket today.  And if you can't join us in person, buy the videos and watch all the sessions, intensives and workshops from your desk (or sofa!)