Gail Perry
Philanthropy Expert, Fundraising Consultant
Fired-Up Fundraising.com
Gail Perry
I’m Gail Perry, a fundraising speaker, trainer, blogger, coach and rabble-rouser. I believe that fundraising is NOT about money – it’s about changing the world.
I help fabulous nonprofits up their fundraising game by improving their fundraising strategies. Coaching nonprofits to implement high-dollar major gifts is my sweet spot. And I just love inspiring board members to be happily engaged and active in fundraising.
I work all over the world, keynoting conferences and presenting engaging (and fun) workshops.
My favorite storyteller is...
...Martin Luther King. I think he was one of the greatest storytellers of all. He always spoke in terms of vision and possibility. He painted pictures with words, visions of a brighter world. He was always inspirational and called us to our higher nature. That’s the place where we need to live as fundraisers seeking to create better world.
Books I've written:
Connect with me online:
website: www.FiredUpFundraising.com
twitter: @GailPerryNC
Connect with me in person:
I'll be presenting at the 2016 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.
Come join me. Click here