How to aquire major donors through an Insider's Event - Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

How to aquire major donors through an Insider’s Event

Do you have a hard time finding new major donors?

In this video, Jim Shapiro from Work Less Raise More shows you a great way to find new major donors.  Towards the end of the video, Jim shares a story of a major gift officer who’s leadership was reluctant to help find major donors.  But when they implemented Jim’s way of finding new major donors, they were able to bring in dozens of new major donors.

If you would like a strong major giving program, one that’s proven and raises a lot more money, then check out the 2 Day Major Giving Intensive with Jim and myself.  Go to or  click here.

Get Jim’s help creating a strong major giving program.

Check out the 2 Day Major Giving Intensive with Jim Shapiro and Chris Davenport.  Go to