Jen Love
Owner/Partner at
Agents of Good
Jen Love
Agent Jen is a storyteller, and not in a poetic sense. In a fumbling, arm-waving, half-sentence-speaking, let's-get-to-the-heart-and-the-feelings sense. Write drunk, edit sober...even if you're only drunk on emotions.
My favorite storytellers are...
...Storytelling is as much a part of my bloodline as love. Grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings—my heart shines when I am with my family because we share stories from dawn to dusk. And even from other sides of the world, we stay connected through stories. In different ways and with different voices, they are all gifted storytellers that inspire me every single day. But there is one that shines brightest. My spectacular 9 year old, Sadie. She is eager to tell stories, and I can see and feel her energy change as she searches for words and turns of phrase. She delights in her emotional capacity to make people laugh or well up with tears. Her curiosity for our craft is infectious.
Connect with me online:
website: http://agentsofgood.org
twitter: @AgentJenLove
Connect with me in person:
I'll be presenting at the 2016 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.
Come join me. Click here