Kivi Leroux Miller
Kivi Leroux Miller
I help nonprofit communications directors learn their jobs AND love their jobs. I live and breathe content, including stories. I write something new every week for our blog or for my next book; I present something new every month for our webinar series or as a conference keynote speaker.
But my favorite work is mentoring nonprofit communications directors. I love helping them gain confidence in their abilities to develop effective marketing strategies that help their nonprofits change the world.
Even though I am not the cheerleader type (it’s not something we dry wit introverts naturally excel at), I also relish in being an advocate and champion for nonprofit marketing. It’s still a new and evolving profession, so it’s exciting to work in it each and every day.
My favorite storytellers are...
...Barbara Kingsolver and Stephen King. I love to read them not just for entertainment value, but because as a writer, I learn so much about the craft every time I read their work.
With Barbara Kingsolver, it’s her exquisite use of metaphors. With Stephen King, it’s his simple and direct prose. They approach storytelling, and conveying the depth and meaning within stories, in very different, but equally compelling ways.
I also love that they both excel at fiction and non-fiction. If you can do both well, it’s the mark of a great storyteller.
My gift to you:
On my website there are many free resources including communication cheat sheets, ebooks, webinars, and reports. You can find them by clicking here.
Connect with me online:
website: http://nonprofitmarketingguide.com
twitter: @KiviLM
Connect with me in person:
I'll be presenting at the 2016 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.
Come join me. Click here
The Keynote I'll be presenting is:
Building Your Editorial Calendar Around Your Best Stories
You’re learning how to tell a great story. Now what?
If you’re only thinking about your next appeal letter or newsletter, you are thinking too small.
You aren’t truly harnessing the power of stories for your nonprofit until you are building an editorial calendar around your best stories.
An editorial calendar holds the WHAT, WHEN, and WHERE of your nonprofit’s communications strategy. It brings all of your individual stories together and connects them to each other.
But it does even more than that.
When you connect the dots between all of your stories in your editorial calendar, you’re creating an even bigger, bolder, more breathtaking story that you’re asking your supporters to be a part of. It helps you find and share that WHY of your organization . . . Why people should gladly give their time, talent, and treasure to support your nonprofit.
If editorial calendars are new to you, you’ll leave the session with enough know-how to start constructing that larger organizational story out of the individual stories you are writing day in and day out.
If you’re an editorial calendar pro, Kivi will challenge you to solve a couple of story-based editorial calendar conundrums, with prizes going to the best solutions.
Come join me at the 2016 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference. Click here