Leah Eustace,
Principal and Chief Idea Goddess
Good Works
Leah Eustace, M.Phil, CFRE, ACFRE
I’m one of those people who wears their heart on their sleeve. I feel deeply. It could be an ad on television, or a kind gesture shown by one human being to another … it will inevitably bring tears to my eyes.
I think that’s why I love Good Works so much. I’m truly touched by so many causes and organizations, and it’s easy for me to be passionate about them all. There are so many people doing good work in this world, and it’s really a privilege to be a small part of their success. I wouldn’t be able to do that without feeling it in my heart.
I come by it honestly. I grew up in a very philanthropic family where giving back was just something you did. There was always an extra place or two set at the family dinner table for those who needed an adopted family, and both my parents have always been volunteers, donors and fundraisers… sometimes all at the same time. I couldn’t help but absorb their philanthropic spirit.
So, when it came time for me to choose a career, philanthropy was my natural choice. And I’ve never regretted it for even one second.
Official Bio:
Leah is an idea-generator and strategic thinker with a wide and varied background in charitable fund development. At Good Works, Leah works with clients to help tell powerful stories through direct marketing, cases for support, legacy giving and social media.
Leah’s volunteer work is extensive. She sits on the Executive Committee of the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), an international association with 33,000 members around the world, and is Chair of the AFP Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada.
Prior to joining Good Works, Leah was Director of Development with the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society, Corporate Development Director at the Aga Khan Foundation, and Development Director of the Canada-U.S Fulbright Program. She has volunteered with local organizations like the United Way of Ottawa, Causeway Foundation and The Door.
In 2014, Leah became the 101st person in the world to receive the ACFRE accreditation (and only the 8th in Canada). She was also honoured with the 2014 AFP Ottawa Chapter Outstanding Fundraising Executive Award.
Contact me:
telephone: 613-232-9113 x 100
mail: Good Works, 200-1188 Wellington St. W. Ottawa, ON K1Y 2Z5
email: leah@goodworksco.ca
website: http://www.goodworksco.ca
twitter: @LeahEustace
Connect with me in person:
I'll be presenting at the 2016 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.
Come join me. Click here