Marc Pitman - Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

Marc Pitman
CEO - The Concord Leadership Group

Marc A. Pitman

I'm an international leadership coach and fundraising trainer who loves helping nonprofit leaders make better decisions so they have more impact through their work without all the drams that seems “normal” in nonprofits.

The CEO of The Concord Leadership Group, I also founded, one of the longest running blogs in the nonprofit sector. I also direct the affordable fundraising training program The Nonprofit Academy.

I speak around the world to thousands each year. Because of my experience in leadership coaching and nonprofit fundraising, I've been featured in books and articles and sought out as a guest on media as diverse as Al Jazeera, SUCCESS Magazine, and Fox News.

And if you drive by me in a car, you’re likely to see me singing 80’s tunes loud enough to embarrass my wife and three children.

My favorite storyteller is...

...I think that one of the most effective storytellers is my wife Emily. She’s the one that first got me hooked on stories. I didn’t grow up in a family that really appreciated story. We were more data and numbers driven. But Emily loved stories and loved telling them. She delighted in them. She’s the first one that helped me see the beauty in stories and the potential they had to bring truth to people.

Books I've written:

Ask Without Fear

Who’s Telling Your Story​

Connect with me online:


twitter: ​@MarcAPitman

Connect with me in person:

I'll be presenting at the 2016 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.  

Come join me. Click here