Nonprofit Storytelling Conference -- Speaker Submission

2025 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference
Open Call for Session Submissions

Storytellers are the most powerful people in the world

Hey, storytelling friends!

The Nonprofit Storytelling Conference is celebrating 12 years of helping nonprofits raise more money and tell stories that generate enthusiasm around their cause.  

If you’re passionate about storytelling and fundraising, and your superpower is teaching busy nonprofit pros how to do both better, we’d love to hear from you.  (That superpower means helping attendees take specific action steps that will transform their fundraising and marketing.)

A few things to note if you want to join our speaker family: 

  • You pass the BBQ test.  From the very first conference, we’ve chosen speakers who would also be fun to hang out with at a backyard BBQ.  That means having a personality that is warm, fun, and personable.
  • You find value and joy in traveling to conferences and speaking in front of people.  We are not able to offer a stipend to speakers this year.  But as always, we’re intentional about working with you to understand your marketing goals and offer opportunities for you to connect with our extensive community beyond just the conference.
  • You are comfortable teaching at a tactical level.  That means speaking less on the WHY and zeroing in on the HOW.  For our attendees, knowing they’ll leave your session with the comfort and confidence to try a strategy on their own is the main reason they’re at our conference.  As a speaker, you’ll teach clearly defined and easy-to-understand steps for a strategy that solves a specific problem. 
  • You are a big fan of collegiality, relationships, and lifelong learning.  We look for speakers confident enough to admit if they don’t know the answer to a question and knowledgeable enough about the sector to point to other speakers or exhibitors at the conference who may have better answers.

Okay, so you made it this far.  Still interested?  One last thing.

While we’re always on the lookout for great session ideas, we’re on the lookout for submissions related to the following topic areas especially (examples are actual session ideas requested by our attendees):

  • How to make a story-based ask (e.g. how to structure your ask using a storytelling framework; how to seamlessly transition from story to solicitation without breaking the emotional connection)
  • How to use Email + Storytelling to raise money for free (e.g. how to craft subject lines that demand to be opened; how to structure your email story for maximum impact in minimal time)
  • How to choose the best stories to inspire your donors to give (e.g. how to identify stories that align with donor motivations; how to build a story bank that serves multiple fundraising channels)
  • How to get legacy gifts with the help of storytelling (e.g. how to weave future impact stories into your legacy conversations; how to help donors see themselves in your organization's long-term story)
  • How to tell stories that move people to give -- even if you're a hard to raise money for organization (e.g. how to make "boring" causes compelling through storytelling; how to turn complex missions into donor-friendly narratives)
  • How to plan your event to be story-focused and raise more money (e.g. how to structure your event timeline for maximum emotional impact; how to weave multiple storytelling elements throughout your program)
  • How to make your donor communication stand out with "Instant Stories" (e.g. how to craft powerful micro-narratives for social media; how to tell compelling stories in 30 seconds or less)
  • How to raise your profile in the community using stories (e.g. how to train board members to be storytelling ambassadors; how to leverage community partnerships to amplify your stories)

The speaker submission form is below.  Once you've filled it out and click 'submit' you'll get an email that includes all of your responses.  

The team will begin reviewing submissions on February 14, 2025 and the window will close on February 28, 2025.

2025 Speaker Submission Form

"*" indicates required fields

Are the dates for this year’s conference (November 13-15, 2025) blocked on your calendar?*
Have you attended the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference in the past?*
Choose one. Your session will primarily help attendees…*
How much experience do you have speaking in person at a national conference?*

If you're interested in attending the conference as an exhibitor click here or as an attendee click here

If you'd like to learn more about being a speaker on Tactical Thursdays, our weekly e-learning series, click here.

we do things a little bit differently here.  We plan the story arc of the Storytelling Conference based on what our guests would like to

experience then we then craft the conference sessions to meet those very specific needs.  Our final step is to search for the experts to who match the qualifications requested by our guests.   This is usually

by recommendation. 

Just so you know, in order to create the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference experience we ask the speakers come a day early for orientation and coaching.  The speakers stay for the entire conference to be available to the guests in an ongoing collaborative workshopping atmosphere.  Speakers often call on one another during sessions to illuminate an issue and/or bring a particular storytelling perspective to the group.  

We share the wisdom in the room.

First time presenters pay for their own travel and accommodations.  If our guests find your information compelling, relevant, and immediately useful in their organizations, they’ll want you back!

If your content fits into the story arc a future Nonprofit Storytelling Conference, and you are able to return, we are able to offer a travel stipend and accommodations.

With that in mind, if you can answer a few questions, that would help us know where and when you may fit into future conferences: 

  1. When did you learn the power of storytelling in your profession?
  2. Who is your ideal audience?  What is their biggest struggle?
  3. When your session is over, what knowledge, tools and step-by-step strategies will your audience leave with?