Steven Shattuck - Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

Steven Shattuck
Chief Engagement Officer - Bloomerang
Executive Director - Launch Cause

Steven Shattuck

I had a very roundabout path towards becoming a storyteller. I always loved to read and watch movies as a kid, and undergraduate film school was a natural draw.

I soon discovered that I wanted to tell stories rather than just study existing ones, so I transferred schools and got into video production, only then to realize that the written word was my true passion.

With creative writing and video production degrees in hand, I got my first job at a marketing firm that just happened to produce fundraising videos for nonprofits. Hello, fundraising!

It's not the medium, it's the message.

One of my favorite storytellers is...

...Jean-Luc Godard. A master of French new wave cinema, he wrote and directed my all-time favorite film: Breathless (avoid the 1983 remake, trust me).

Connect with me online:



twitter: ​​@StevenShattuck

Connect with me in person:

I'll be presenting at the 2016 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.  

Come join me. Click here