Results from Fundraising Eye Tracking Study

From the Nonprofit Storytelling Vault

The Heat Map: What your donors are actually looking at when they look at your fundraising
with Steven Screen

There are two kinds of donors.

  1. Donors who read everything you send them
  2. Donors who scan some of what you send them

The vast majority of your donors are in group 2.  (I'm sorry, but it's true!)

In this video, Steven Screen shares the results of eye tracking studies that prove most of your donors are scanners -- and he shows you what to put in the parts of your appeal or e-appeal your donors will read.

Steven's one of the best teachers in the nonprofit fundraising world.  And this 10-minute training will open your eyes ... so you can get the right words in the places your donors read (so they open their wallets). 

As a bonus, you can download the Heat Map sample Steven shows in the video.  Just click the blue button under the video to download the file.

Share the Heat Map with your colleagues, boss or board.  Anyone who tells you donors read everything 🙂

As a second bonus, once you fill you the form below, you'll get instant access to all 100+ episodes of Tactical Thursdays, the FREE webinar series from the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference!  

Like what you see?

Steven shared these tips on Tactical Thursdays, the FREE weekly e-learning series from the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.  When you fill out the form above, you'll get instant access to all 100+ episodes in the Tactical Thursdays library AND be signed up for next Thursday's episode (check your inbox in a minute for a link to the library).

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