Tactical Thursdays Before and After Story - Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

From the Tactical Thursdays Vault

How to Tell Your Donor a Before & After Story
with Steven Screen

When you tell your donor a story that shows her the impact of her gift, she feels great about supporting your organization and is more likely to give again.

And in this episode of Tactical Thursdays, you'll learn how to tell that story -- as Steven Screen calls it a 'Before & After Story.'

You'll also get Steven's Before & After Story Worksheet and an 'idea structure'.  These will help you identify a powerful before & after story and help you turn that story into a money raising letter that reports back to your donor.  Click the blue button below the video to download the files.  Click the blue button below the video to download the files.

So, fill out the form below and get started identifying the Before & After Story that'll make your donors feel great. You'll also get instant access to all 50+ episodes of Tactical Thursdays!

PS -- Steven teaches for about 20 minutes.  After that, there's an awesome Q&A that you won't want to miss!

Like what you see?

Steven shared these tips on Tactical Thursdays, the FREE weekly e-learning series from the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.  When you fill out the form above, you'll get instant access to all 50+ episodes in the Tactical Thursdays library AND be signed up for next Thursday's episode (check your inbox in a minute for a link to the library).

Learn how to tell better stories and use them to raise more money
Come to this year's Nonprofit Storytelling Conference!