Envelope Teasers Tactical Thursdays - Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

From the Tactical Thursdays Vault

How To Write Envelope Teasers Your Donors Won’t Be Able To Resist
with Steven Screen

Buckle up.

Steven Screen's about to share what to do to get more donors to open your envelopes. 

Because if more donors open your envelope, more donors will read your appeals and newsletters.

And that means more donors will give you donations.

Steven also shares a 'Fundraising Envelope Checklist.' You can download the checklist by clicking the button below the video. 

So, fill out the form below to learn the three types of envelopes teasers that are proven to get more eyeballs on your fundraising letters.  You'll also get instant access to all 50+ episodes of Tactical Thursdays!

Like what you see?

Steven shared these tips on Tactical Thursdays, the FREE weekly e-learning series from the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.  When you fill out the form above, you'll get instant access to all 50+ episodes in the Tactical Thursdays library AND be signed up for next Thursday's episode (check your inbox in a minute for a link to the library).

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