Verb-A-Noun (TBFC TT) - Nonprofit Storytelling Conference

From the Tactical Thursdays Vault

 Fix Your Asks with this 'Verb-A-Noun' Storytelling Skill
with Steven Screen

Sometimes you learn a skill that's so powerful you can't imagine life without it.

You're going to learn a skill like that in this video.

Steven Screen's going to share a core skill that anyone who raises money should have.

You can use this skill (dare I call it a hack?) to help you:

  • Get more donors
  • Create more powerful asks
  • Write more engaging communications

This skill is like the hidden arrow in the Fed Ex logo. Once you see it, you'll never UNSEE it.

So, get a pen and notebook ready -- then click play on the video below!

PS -- Steven teaches for about 14 minutes.  After that, he workshops some Verb-A-Nouns and then there's an awesome Q&A that you won't want to miss!

Like what you see?

Oh, by the way -- this webinar is part of the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference's FREE weekly webinar series called Tactical Thursdays.

If you like what you see, sign up for Tactical Thursdays by filling out the form below. You'll get instant access to 50+ of lessons from the industry's best fundraisers.

Learn how to tell better stories and use them to raise more money
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