Get the Session Videos from the 2017 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference and start raising
more money this afternoon
1 story,
1 month,
1 Million dollars.
It was unbelievable...
Tom's organization received their largest donation ever - and it all started with a story.
After attending the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference, Tom started telling stories differently. Donors took notice. The income from his newsletter more than doubled. But that wasn't the best part.
One of his stories attracted a brand new donor.
The donor made a whopping donation of $180,000. Can you imagine getting a donation that large from a brand new donor? ...but this donor's story doesn't end there.
The donor wanted to do more.
Fast forward one month, and the same donor gave a second gift. This time the donation was for 1.24 million dollars. If you add that to the the donor's initial donation, it adds up to an unbelievable $1,420,00.00. And it all started with a story.
With better stories,
You can raise more money.
Tom's fundraising results may not be typical, but many of the past fundraising and communications people who attended the Nonprofit Storytelling Conference have reported amazing results. Take Heidi Wong from Kin On Health Care as an example.
After attending the conference, Heidi completely rewrote her organization's year end appeal letter. Instead of bringing in their usual $30,000, the new appeal letter brought in $124,000. What made the difference? It was her new storytelling skills.
The same thing happened when Rachelle tried out her new storytelling skills. She was able to raise $50,000 more from her appeal letter. And for her small nonprofit, she was also able to increase their donor retention by 8%.
4 times more donors in 2 weeks!
In just two weeks, and with her new storytelling strategies and tools, Kelly was able to bring in 4 times the amount of first time donors. Plus, she reactivated 40 lapsed donors and got 14 new monthly donors.
It all comes down to this...
In order to raise more money, you must get people excited to support your cause. And the best way to do that is by telling better stories.
When you watch the videos from the 2017 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference, you will learn how to tell better stories across the many aspects of fundraising and donor communications.
You'll learn how to tap into your donor's emotions.
You'll learn about digital media storytelling, major donor storytelling, visual storytelling, and telling stories at special events. You'll learn the basics of storytelling as well as some advanced storytelling techniques to increase donations and donor retention.
Watch what your colleagues had to
say about the 2017 Conference.
Watch the videos below.
"This is my 3rd year... This is the conference I go to every single year... As much as everyone loves this conference, I love it more."
~ Heidi Venture, Consultant
"The best conference... I'm getting to learn all about how to engage and leverage our donors' and supporters' passions and connect them more meaningfully to our organization."
~ Alyssa Turcsak, The Nyaka AIDS Orphans Project
"The Nonprofit Storytelling Conference teaches you how to hone your story, ways to make it better, ways to find and reach people in a better way... It's a quantum leap difference in what you do in terms of getting your message out."
~ Chas. Floyd Johnson, Executive Producer - NCIS
"We come from Norway... With almost 30 years of experience in fundraising and going to fundraising conferences... From all the conferences I've been to in Europe and North America, this is the best."
~ Leif Wien Jensen, Norges Blindeforbund
"We have terrific stories. But I needed inspiration on how to tell them effectively and how to use them across multiple channels."
~ Sister Marilyn, Mercy Beyond Borders
"This offers a different perspective... inspiring... we're actually being challenged to think outside of our box... It's unlike any other conference."
~ Bethany Glass, Emory University School of Law
Here's what's covered in the videos
from the 2017 conference.
Raising money demands different types of storytelling.
You'll learn to focus on different types of storytelling in the conference videos. Some of the specific areas we focus on are:
- How to Find New Donors Using Stories
- The Fundamentals of Storytelling
- Special Event Storytelling
- Major Giving Storytelling
- Direct Response Storytelling
- Online Storytelling
- Advocacy Storytelling
- Social Media Storytelling
- Using Stories to Retain Donors
Transformational Giving
You already tell stories. But how well do you tell them?
You are already getting transactional gifts (lower dollar gifts). But are you getting the highly sought after transformational gifts from donors?
In the 2017 conference videos, you'll learn how to take your storytelling skills to the next level. With better storytelling skills, you'll be able to engage donors on a deeper level and get more gifts that are truly transformational.
You have unique challenges...
...and that's why we have a private facebook group waiting for you. This is where you can meet and learn from others. Once you buy the videos and login to your member area, you'll be given a link to join the private facebook group.
Here's a quick overview of the agenda
Day 1
The first day's main focus will be on storytelling fundamentals.
You'll learn how to structure and craft compelling stories. You'll learn how to use these stories to engage your donors on a deeper level.
You'll also learn how to find the stories that will raise you the most money. ...and you'll learn techniques that will allow you to tap into what your donors truly desire and what stories will make them give larger donations.
If your organization has privacy issues around your clients, or your organization doesn't have people as "clients", you'll still learn how to create compelling stories for your organization.
After watching the videos from Day 1, you'll walk away with some insider storytelling knowledge that you can't get anywhere else.
Day 2
The second day's main focus will be on real world implementation strategies.
Building off what you learned from the videos from day 1, you'll learn how to generate more money for your organization with your new storytelling skills.
- Special Event Storytelling
- Major Giving Storytelling
- Direct Response Storytelling
- Online Storytelling
- Advocacy Storytelling
- Social Media Storytelling
You'll also learn how to make an ask based on your donor's story.
You'll walk away from Day 2 with real storytelling strategies and techniques that will help you raise a lot more money.
Day 3
The third day's main focus will be on finding new donors.
For any good story to work, you need the right person to hear your story. Right?
You will learn repeatable systems to bring in new donors.
You'll also learn how to use storytelling to inspire your new donors to make a second and third gift.
You are going to gain new skills and specific strategies to increase your base of supporters.
All by itself, Day 3 is worth the price of the videos.
If you could use help finding more donors, then get the videos from the 2017 conference.
Look at our amazing speakers who spoke at the 2017 Nonprofit Storytelling Conference.
2017 Speakers
Communications &
Direct Response Fundraising Expert, Best Selling Author
Executive Producer of
hit TV shows: NCIS, Magnum P.I., JAG, The Rockford Files, and more...
Born Do-Gooder, High-Fiving Fundraising Coach & Girl On A Mission to Spread Donor Happiness.
President of
Fight Colorectal Cancer
Fundraising and communications expert, coach, & Chief Problem Solver at Blue Canoe.
Founder of
Concord Leadership Group and author of “Ask Without Fear!®,”
Development Director
New Beginnings
Bloomerang co-founder and board member for the The Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.
Founder of Fundraising Transformed & recognized as one of the Top 30 Most Effective Fundraising Consultants in the U.S.
Director of Philanthropy for
Seattle Goodwill.
Brand Marketing Director for
Seattle Goodwill
Owner and Director of
Operations + Communications at
Swaim Strategies
Fundraising Consultant &
Spreader of the Secrets of Powerful Fundraising, & best selling author
Owner, DH Leonard Consulting & Grant Writing Services. LLC
Hollywood’s most respected and sought-after expert on comedy. Clients include, Dreamworks, HBO, Disney, and more...
Storyteller, Believer,
Counselor, Reliant Studios &
Nonprofit Film School Owner
Senior VP and CEO of Sharp HealthCare Foundation and one of the nation’s leading health care philanthropy professionals.
Faculty, Seattle U Master of Nonprofit Leadership | Board of Directors, Women's Funding Alliance
Senior Partner at Veritus Group, Expert in developing strategy for major donor programs
Founding Partner at Veritus Group and has over 30 years’ experience helping nonprofits transform their Major Donor programs.
Nonprofit Marketing and Fundraising Expert, & wrote Facebook Marketing for Dummies.
Director of Communications
Fight Colorectal Cancer
Founder Sea Change Strategies, Content marketing and strategy, Storytelling Training and Crafting, Communications Audience Research
Chief Engagement Officer at Bloomerang & Nonprofit Marketer.
Online user experience designer, and Founder of The Creative Campaign
CEO/Producer, Reliant Studios specializing in creating videos for nonprofits.
Co-Founder, Creative Director at The Better Fundraising Co. specializing in Direct response fundraising.
Actor & Global Ambassador for the organization buildOn
Director of Advancement at Simon Fraser University
Vice President of International Programs for buildOn
Raising money should be joyful.
Raising money should be joyful... for you, and your donors.
Reduce your fundraising stress and burnout.
Get the videos from the 2017 conference and learn how to make fundraising more enjoyable. Get inspired and excited to raise more money.
“I discovered a gold mine in purchasing the Nonprofit Story Telling Conference Videos. I thought the videos would deepen my ability to tell our agency’s nonprofit charitable story, but the many talks did so much more. Insights shared by experts in the fields of communication and donor development challenged my preconceived notions about how to reach our varied audiences... Explain to your board of directors, this is an investment, not an expense."
Thomas Zmolek, MBA - Executive Director - MOKA Foundation
Watch the videos with your staff.
You'll be able to watch and share all the strategies and storytelling goodness with your staff back at your office. This will help you and your team to better communicate and raise more money.
You'll be able to download and watch every session on video...and on your own schedule. Plus, you'll get all the presentation handouts. The videos and handouts are available immediately after you buy them.
And there's no time limit on watching the videos. Watch them whenever and wherever you'd like.
"That was, hands down, the best conference I've attended!!! An incredible 2 days of learning."
Renae Goettel - Make-A-Wish America
"I have never been to a conference where EVERY speaker was over the top fabulous - but they were here. In terms of both content and presentation skills. Wow."
Robin Simons - Development Manager - YES! Magazine
Get ALL the videos today.
You'll get to watch and download every Keynote and breakout session on video. Watch them on your own schedule and share them with your staff. You'll also get all the digital presentation handouts. Get the videos for $895 and start raising more money today.
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